Posts in Meditations
Navigating Stress & Anxiety with Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is likely one of those buzzy cure-alls for stress and sleep that you've considered. If you're like me, you've wondered whether this adaptogen (aka medicinal "super" herb) is worth the investment. Between my hypnosis practice, lifestyle changes, and the use of Ashwagandha products, I've been able to keep my anxiety and stress levels in check. So check this out for yourself!

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What’s Ancient Egypt got to do with Hypnosis?

While many consider Frans Anton Mesmer the father of hypnosis, the truth is that he didn’t invent it at all. Hypnosis is said to be the oldest form of psychotherapy. Our primitive ancestors were said to gather for ceremonies that incorporated the use of chanting, rhythmic drum beating, fixed eye exercises and resting of one’s body. To fully understand the origin of hypnosis, we have to journey to ancient Egypt.

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