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 “Love is letting go of fear.”

-Gerald Jampolsky


You’re A Powerful Professional Woman

You’ve Got An Enviable Career

You’ve Cultivated A Great Group of Friends

You’ve Traveled Around the World

On the outside, you’re life looks amazing, BUT...

You’re tired of coming home to an empty home. Yet, it seems like the only way to meet someone is online, but you can’t bear spending more time in front of your computer. Not only that, but going on a bad date is such a waste of your time.

AND IN THE RARE CHANCE, you actually meet someone you like, things get hot and heavy, but then they fizzle out quickly. This throws you into a loop of anxiety and self-loathing.

You’re in the right spot. I’m Nicole, and I’m here to help you unpack the thoughts and behaviors that have been keeping you from successfully finding love.

Book a time to connect with me, and together, we’ll discover what’s holding you back from finding real love. It’s a free consultation without any obligation to continue working with me.




Relationship anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry or fear that is focused on a relationship. It can be triggered by a number of different things, such as fear of abandonment, rejection, or low self-esteem.

Relationship anxiety can cause a great deal of stress. It is a relatively common problem, but it is often misunderstood. If you are struggling with relationship anxiety, it is important to understand that you are not alone, and you can navigate towards real love.




Real love exists! The most common issues are unrealistic expectations of love and partnership, both in the dating phase and after relationships have matured.

Many of us grew up in turbulent homes. You may have not had a strong model for a loving relationship. Instead, like me, you turned to books, sitcoms and movies to piece together what you thought love was supposed to look and feel like. Part of our work together will be to unleash you from the glamorized expectations that just can’t be met in reality.

Additionally, we will be addressing your past experiences to root out any old coping strategies that may be blocking you from real love.



I GET IT! I used to be just like you. I honestly used to think only relationship avoidant men lived in NYC. Then, I had to start looking at the common variable in every relationship: ME.

After doing my inner work, I finally met my guy at the age of 38, and we got engaged when I was 40.

Sounds good, right? Except that once I finally got that shiny diamond ring on my finger, something didn’t feel right. I freaked out. I cried. I knew I wasn’t ready to let go of him. It felt like I was being called to dig in even further.

I had to learn what REAL LOVE really looks and feels like.

That’s why I named this program Love’s Journey because relationship anxiety manifests differently in various areas of your life, and each phase of a relationship requires a new level of self-awareness.

What you’ll get with me is commitment. You are also going to get some tough love and accountability because I want you to experience your own love breakthrough!




Love’s Journey is a program for busy, high achievers that are ready for real love. It is designed to address relationship anxiety so that you can feel calmer and centered as you navigate a new or existing relationship.

To get started, please use the form below to begin your application process.

Nicole Hernandez Love Yourself