Self-Hypnosis Workshops: How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind


If you've considered hypnotherapy but you aren't quite ready to invest in working with a trained hypnotist for a 1:1 hypnosis session, you may want to consider learning self-hypnosis.

Many top-performing athletes have practiced self-hypnosis techniques, such as celebrity golfer Tiger Woods, who used self-hypnosis to remain relaxed and focused while competing in high-pressure golf tournaments The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis includes the latest articles on peer-reviewed research, and a study from 2011 showed hypnosis significantly enhanced visualized imagery and improved athletic performance.

If self-hypnosis can help Tiger, it can certainly help you enhance your performance, achieve a specific goal, and improve your overall mental health by reducing stress and practicing positive thinking.

What is self-hypnosis?

Self-hypnosis is an easy way for you to communicate with your subconscious or unconscious mind to improve your life. It only takes a few moments, and it allows you to access the power of your neurology to create lasting change. Self-hypnosis uses our natural ability to relax while entering a highly focused state, imagine new skills and situations, and use post-hypnotic suggestions to boost confidence.

Self-hypnosis also reprograms limiting beliefs that are causing anxiety, stress, and even sleep disorders. By practicing self-hypnosis, you can improve your self-confidence & self-esteem, feel calm & relaxed under pressure, manage physical pain, and even achieve a specific goal like weight loss & confidence speaking in front of groups.

Additionally, you can practice self-hypnosis to reduce stress and improve your focus in everyday life.

Is self-hypnosis the same as meditation?

The simple answer is no.

While all meditation uses hypnosis (or a trance state), not all hypnosis is meditative. Self-hypnosis does not require you to clear your mind of all thought, and it typically encourages you to tap into your imagination, emotions, and body sensations.

Self-hypnosis doesn’t require you to sit up straight or lie down. However, like meditation, you should be in a place where it is safe for you to close your eyes or at least fix your attention on a specific focal point.

What is the best way to learn self-hypnosis?

Self-hypnosis is a skill you can learn from books, but some things cannot be explained clearly or comprehensively about the hypnotic state without hands-on learning. Therefore, self-hypnosis training is usually conducted in groups by a trained hypnotist. The group environment allows you to create proper hypnotic suggestions and enter hypnosis using inductions, including relaxation techniques.

The benefit of learning in a live group versus an online self-hypnosis course is that the instructor will lead a practice round or two so that you can try the techniques. In addition, this interactive format allows you to ask questions and navigate through any perceived challenges in your self-hypnosis practice.

You'll also learn what to expect and how to deepen your self-hypnosis session with time and more advanced induction techniques.

Ready to practice self-hypnosis for yourself?

Best Self-Hypnosis Workshops Online with Top Hypnotist Nicole Hernandez

Self-hypnosis workshops with Top NYC Hypnotist Nicole Hernandez take your self-development to a deeper level. Topics vary by month to help people with a wide variety of issues, from self-hypnosis workshops for better sleep, success, self-confidence, weight loss, better relationships, and pain management.

As you're realizing, you can use self-hypnosis as an impactful way to tap into your mind's potential, and just imagine how it can help you achieve whatever goals may be challenging for you right now. The best part is that you can use this powerful tool anywhere and anytime.

Self-hypnosis training with New York City hypnotist Nicole Hernandez will show you how your self-hypnosis practice provides immediate results as well as long-term benefits.

See the calendar of online hypnosis events and workshops to start tapping into the power of hypnotizing yourself!

Excellent educator of what Hypnotist is and is not. She created a safe space to explore my first hypnosis session.
— BIM (Google Review)