Can Hypnosis Help You Make A Career Change?


Hypnotherapy can be an effective way to help you make a career change. The process allows you to release any anxiety or stress that may be holding you back from making a significant life decision, such as changing careers. 

Within the session, I use a combination of mindful advisory (also known as conversational hypnosis or hypno-coaching) and deeper trance to allow you to explore different career options without feeling pressured. In this way, it's easier for your mind to focus on what feels right for you instead of those nasty "shoulds." 

Let's explore the top 4 ways hypnotherapy can help you land your next dream job.


My process starts with you: the REAL you. So often, we are moving through life, living through the lens of our parents or community's expectations for our life. Living for others might have worked fine for you in your 20s, but as you head into your 30s, 40s, or 50s, you realize that your happiness is what matters. After all, our time on this planet is precious. With hypnosis, we can disconnect from those old expectations and clarify what matters most to you NOW! 


A large portion of my work is helping my clients confront their fears with compassion and strategy. I made a career change after 40, and I can tell you that there were people in my life who tried to dissuade me. But, I'm so happy I didn't listen! I would have missed out on a career that genuinely feels like my "soul-calling." 

But that's the thing, we have to address your deep fears around judgment or failure, and when we do so, you'll feel safe to move forward. 


Within a hypnotherapy session, we often explore parts of you that you may have left behind because they weren't deemed "valuable" within American culture. 

For example, I had a client who recalled that she enjoyed teaching art as a summer camp counselor during her Time Traveler session. Before going off to college, she had considered a career as an art teacher, but her parents had dissuaded her from pursuing a career in the arts. Her parents limiting beliefs around art and money had led her to a career in finance that was no longer rewarding. When she rediscovered her passion, she felt excited to move forward.


While I believe one hypnotherapy session is impactful, my clients who view hypnosis as "personal training for their mind" have transformed. When we started working together, they were anxious and self-critical, but there is a lightness to their energy now.   

Although some of my clients choose to work with me ongoing, I do recommend starting with a minimum of 3-6 sessions spread out weekly or bi-weekly as you move through your career change. In this way, you'll be able to address the fear and anxiety you may encounter when you start interviewing, negotiating your salary, and navigating cultural dynamics within your new workplace. 

If you're considering becoming an entrepreneur, I can tell you from personal experience; your self-development will be crucial to your success! So make sure you're supported. 


Here's how hypnosis/hypnotherapy can help you make a career change:

  • Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy allows you to get clear on your values so that you can find more meaning in your life as you move forward.

  • Using hypnosis, you can explore the deep fears that have been stopping you and release them.

  • Various hypnosis techniques and processes can help you rediscover skills and resources to assist you in your career change.

  • Ongoing sessions provide support and accountability.

Are you interested in a Hypnotic Journey of your own? Book your first virtual session now.

I went through the session, and it was surprising, incredible, and transformative. I want more people to know that this is an option for people who are looking to grow who are looking to heal who are looking to have success or love or whatever they want to manifest in their life.
— Elle Valle, Entrepreneur & Host of the Elena Out Loud Podcast